Monday, July 18, 2011

Why am I so very prude?

Hahahaha I laugh at my own question title. but anyway. I'm a 15 year old girl in high school and two of my friends are always covered in hickeys and are going out with guys, while my other friend (has never had a bf but sexts random guys a lot...) Anyway I've never had a boyfriend (well except those kindergarten boyfriends but those don't count..hahaha) and I've never been kissed but I'm ok with that. And making out freaks the crap out of me. I cannot handle having another person's tongue in my mouth. YUCK! even for couples in love. I don't judge people for it, because I know that it is natural but me...I am just grossed out. I am straight and like boys, and if i see a hot guy im like OH HOT DAYUMMMMMM but making out and hickeys? that is just gross. Why am I so prude? It's definitely a turn off for guys...but I guess I'm just a sucker for disney movies and am pretty innocent at heart..even though I curse like a sailor. my one friend at school has been dating this boy for 2 years and they haven't even kissed but he is so sweet to her and vice versa and he acts all fatherly towards her little sister...they are so adorable AND THEY HAVEN'T EVEN KISSED!!!! why can't all high school relationships be like this??? this is more of a story than a question......but I guess i'll ask...Do you think I should stick to my guns with this and wait for the right guy who respects this? Or should I lighten up a bit..not like full blown OH LET ME OPEN MY LEGS AND BECOME A SLUT but you know less prude? hahahaha

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