Saturday, July 23, 2011

Do I owe anything to my roommates?

First of all, I paid first and last month when I moved in. Second, my roommates let some douche bag sleep in my bed when he was drunk and high. He peed in it, then apparently put my birthday cards on the floor and slept on them instead of in his piss. I would say someone owes me for that, right? Anyhow, I had had enough of the crazy parties with girls throwing up and random people I don't know breaking and stealing my stuff, and moved out. (Not much of a partier.) We paid rent at the first of every month and I moved out half way through May, which I paid for at the beginning of the month. They say I still owe utilities and a month of rent, but considering I paid first and last month at the beginning and rent for the month of May on the first, (also considering my mattress) I would say they owe me... am I right?

Dish Network early termination fee thanks to roommate?

Do you plan to marry her? Do you plan to go into business with her? Will there be any affiliation once you are no longer room mates? Then don't worry about the fee. You claim to be moving out due to landlord issues, but I wonder if that's not a convenient way for you two to part company. If the 12 month decision was made before she signed up for Dish network, then you aren't indebted to her for half of that amount. If you two decided to get out after she signed up with Dish network, then it's possible you have a partial responsibility for the bill, but only because there wasn't a decision made. If this is a grudge on your part, (you're kind of trashing her in your question, and I suspect it's to sway whatever answer in your direction) offer to pay $100 towards it, and accept that she will take 75% of the responsibility. If your claim is true, then it's her problem. Be prepared to be painted as the evil one when she begins to tell mutual acquaintances that you stiffed her for the Dish Network bill. It sounds like she can play the victim pretty well. What she "should" have done is irrelavent as we can't change the past. You need to weigh the positive and negative of the deal and see if it's worth $200 to you to keep it positive. There is one alternative. If you can find new renters who are willing to have Dish network and sign up for an additional two years, (for a total of 3 years) Dish network might let that happen. Good Luck....

Any good hairsyles i can wear for school?

try to pin you hair up more. tyr the website how, and ask about hair styles. it reaaalllyyy helps

Why do a lot of young females think i'm digusting for liking older woman?

I'm attracted to women that are 20-30+ years older than me. I don't look at age or like them because they are older though. I just see them as people and beautiful like anyone else. Yet when a lot of young females find that I like older women, they say things like yuck, disgusting, etc. I just don't think that's very nice as they will get old themselves.

Is pipe in front of "townhome" private property? (state of Colorado)?

I live in a building that’s called an apartment but is actually what seems to me to be three “townhomes” attached to each other. I live in the first one, apartment “A”. About three feet to the side of each front door is a u shaped pipe that goes into the ground – not sure what it’s for. Running along the front doors/pipes is a driveway that goes to the back of the building, where the dumpsters, other apartments and a bike rack are located. I need a place to park my bike. I can’t do it to the pipe in front of my apartment’s door because my roommate already uses it (for 2 bikes). I’m not strong enough to bring my bike inside up three flights of stairs inside. I have been locking my bike to apartment “B”’s pipe because I just moved in and never saw a bike there. “B”’s residents want me to park my bike at the bike rack at the back because they want to use the pipe for their bikes. Due to a myriad of reasons, I’m not willing to park my bike at the bike rack unless the pipe is private property and actually belongs to them. Otherwise, in my opinion, it should be first come first serve. My question is, who is right? Is the pipe private property belonging to “Apartment B” or is it public property for all the residents of the building?

M i asexual or normal?

i m 17 never get wet think sex is just horrible n yuck ...........never get sex feelings ..............??????????

Do you think HMV will give me a refund for these earphones?

Today I bought a �10 pair of earphones from HMV, they are the HMV brand. However they sound like crap. They sound even worse than my cheap earphones. If I ask HMV for a refund on these grounds, do you think I will get one?


I washed some headphones with my clothes. Is that bad like contamination? Like to radiation or something? Do I need to wash my clothes again? They headphones kind of smell weird, my husband was blowing on them with his lips. (Yuck) well I get paranoid because I'm 3 months pregnant and worried.

What to do about my life/Mother?

WOW :o feel better :) think positive & remember we have only one life to live. LIVE IT TO THE FULLEST !

Baby spiders in my back door and window sills, please tell me they will leave soon?!?

Your never more than 10 foot from a spider. Your house is a nesting area. Outside I assume. Small cracks? Some were they nested. Now they are hatching. They will probably leave in 5 to 7 days. No you are not a spider carrier. Habitat was ideal for nesting on or near the home. They will hatch and leave most likely. Look to see if you can see were they are coming from. And seal the area with caulk or foam. After they are hatched. So they don't return next year.

Whats the worst films youve seen?

ok i am a huge film freak (own over 300 dvds) but i went hmv the other day and brought a film called, F and a Film Called Storage, i watched both that night and they were both easily the worst films ive ever seen, can u please list other terrible films so i can avoid buying , and wasting my money on them. Thanks

How can I look good with a big nose?

I am a 15 year old girl and I have always been self conscious of my nose. It isn't a hooked nose (except when I smile sometimes it faces slightly downwards.. yuck) but it sticks out sooo far it's not upturned it's just like straight. and I think it totally ruins my appearance. Please don't tell me to use makeup, that doesn't really do anything for a sticky-outy nose... I wanna look cute but people comment on my nose and it makes me feel bad. Can I make it more upturned or anything WITHOUT makeup or surgery?

Should I move in with a gay roommate?

I am a virgin, and it is a big coin toss whether or not I want to experiment with the same sex, I am not sure if I would like it or regret it with the rest of my life, i need some help.

Is this fantasy normal?

I have a fantasy to lick my gf's ***.Is it normal? Has anyone tried it?Is it yuck?I haven't tried it yet.I am unsure how it will be ,i mean the taste and smell....Btw i am 18 year old boy

What does shipping mean?

i ordered something from hmv and it says shipping within 24 hours, does this mean it will be delivered within 24 hours? thanks x

Just got tickets to a Ke$ha concert!HELP!?

I just got tickets for my friend and me to go to a Ke$ha concert (who I cannot stand but she loves her!) I am 15 and she is 16, already got the tickets but just looked and it said tat its a 14+ event and Under 16s must be accumpanied by an adult. Do they take it seriously? Will I get in?? Its the HMV Hammersmith Apollo if this helps...

What do you think of these names?

Ok I could care less about the names but awesome name true blood is like the best show I can wait to it start again

Adult TONSILLECTOMY Question.......??? Please help.....?

I am 20yrs old n had my tonsillectomy about a week ago because they were in bad shape and i had tonsil stones... Im on day 8 now and the pain is pretty ok but i was wondering how will i know when the scabs will come off?? And how will it feel?? Will i end up swallowing the scabs (yuck!)?? And also will it come out all in one piece...?? Thanks....just curious

Trying to resist the urge for revenge?

Soo I had this roommate I COULDN'T STAND. She made a big deal over the littlest things, even reporting me to the RA just b/c she couldn't have some alone time in the room and that I was suffocating her. *****, I paid for the damn room too and I don't even talk to you like that. The last straw came a month ago when I wake up and find the garbage right in front of my door w/ some bullshit note: DO U MIND TAKING OUT THE TRASH?!?! U ARE A MEMBER OF ROOM ###. I AM NOT YOUR MOM. All I did was roll my eyes and say w/e. Idk why she even did it if she doesn't even live in the room with me anymore (she switched rooms w/ one of our other roommates). I move out in two days and I'm cleaning out the apt and I go to her room to see if it's locked and to my surprise, it is open. Soooo karma is a *****! Should I: A) Pour garbage all over her bed, B) Ruin all her clothes with cooking oil, her beer, C) Leave the entire garbage in her room with a note saying she should be careful not to leave her door unlocked and you look like bin laden's sister, D) All of the above???

What should my boyfriend and I do today?

i was gonna suggest a swim park (I have one down the road from me) with a picnic packed with goodies (and maybe even wine). The park by my house also has trails that i go hiking on so that the water feels even better good luck please let us know what you decide :)

Moving out of house, how to split bills w/ roommate?

Whose name is on this bill? That's your answer. Or, if you do have ties to this person, then you must split the bill. Then avoid her like the plague in the future. But do get it done this time and don't try to drag it out.

How is the UK Singles Chart calculated?

What's taken into account to make up the charts? Obviously there's sales through iTunes, HMV etc, but what else counts? I've read somewhere that plays on music channels and stuff like that counts... I just wanted a definitive answer!

Why do so many guys have scruffy beards in movies lately?

Like Jake Gyllenhaal in "Source Code". Yuck. In the "old days" actors were always clean shaven, even after a 7 march through the jungle! What's the purpose? It contributed nothing to the character or the plot.

In the roommate, what is the song playing in the background when they go to the club and dance?

youtube the soundtrack a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Where can I buy the Life on Mars boxset and...?

If I was to buy it would it have both series 1 and series 2 on it ? I loved it and already have the ashes to ashes boxset. Where can I buy it preferably in a store not online? WH Smith? HMV ?

Friday, July 22, 2011

Need help loosing weight.. any tips?

so last summer i lost 16 pounds... and i was happy. well i couldnt really see a difference but oh well i went back to school and gained it all back.. thankfully i didnt gain more. but now im at the same again. and ive been trying to lose it.. and i just cant. i go on walks about 4 miles a day. i just turned 17 on tuesday. i weigh 174 lbs. and im 5'4. yuck i know... but i want my senior year to be the best. and i want to lose this healthy. what i usually eat durning the day is. cereal, slimfast, bananas, boiled eggs, 60 calorie pudding, apple, advacado, and thats about it. it depends on the day though. but last year i did so much better and i dont understand why :( please help thanks guys!!

Natural Hair lightening remedies?

Well, back in october I accidentally dyed my hair black. I naturally have deep blonde hair. It now has faded to a dishwater blonde color, but I'd like to lighten it with minimal damage. Especially since I now am detoxifying and would not like any toxins, such as dye and bleach, to enter my body. I've heard it all (Lemon, cinnamon, honey, salt, chamomile, peroxide, Sun In -yuck- the works) but I'd like something I can put in my hair and sleep in, to get some results; however small they may be. I've recently put cinnamon and conditioner in my hair overnight and have gotten a red tone and maybe a shade lighter, but i'd like to avoid that method because red isn't very flattering on me, I think. Suggestions?

So many cinnamon jelly beans. Yuck. Where are the good flavors?

The jelly bean company hired the FBI to track your every movements, so when you go shopping for jelly beans, they quickly switch the good Jelly Beans with the cinnamon ones. Once you're gone, they switch them back.


It's great that you are sharing the struggle with anyone! You need to quit punishing yourself for the over-eating and focus on having healthy options on hand. Are there fruits you like? Veggies? Dry fruit and nuts and seeds make great stuff-your-face-for-a-moment choices - because there's so much chewing, you won't be at it long enough to be sick! Things that don't require chewing are my downfall most of the time. Put some bean sprouts and a ton of leaf lettuce in that sandwich, and you have chew satisfaction! You really need to stay fueled on a regular basis, or you will crave sugar. and common sense will take a hike until you have it.

Why did this guy do this?

Bob Dylan ? No idea , but hey maybe it was an inside joke for them shake it off you dont know them dont worry about it

Random questions about natural tanning?

i know exactly how you feel. i have really pale skin so to me a tan is like winning the lottery, but it possible. i tried tanning oil once and it was horrible and didnt do anything. i find that if you go in the water its easier to get a tan, or get wet then lie in the sun. when i tan, i definately get a burn first then it eases in to a tan so i know exactly what you mean. normally it'll take about half an hour to an hour to get a tan. but i must say dont obssess about it all summer and you should, if you can, get a low SPF sun lotion that protects from the UV rays, they're the most important thing to protect from. i never did and sat out for hours when i was about 10 and i lost pigments in my skin and im 16 now and i still have white blotches on my tummy that will never go away so i always recommend some sort of protection. best of luck! :)

What do you do about noise during sex?

I live with two other girls and I am really self conscious about having sex when people can hear especially if they have friends over. Do most girls care if their roommates hear? I try to be quieter but I have to moan and stuff.

How should I proceed with my landlord situation?

My landlord asked if we would mow the lawn, and when we asked if we could get a rent break for doing it, she freaked out, stating that she was going to raise the rent or kick our third roommate out. Only myself and my husband are officially on the lease, but we know from Burlington, Vermont law (where we live) that our roommate is a legal tenant anyways, so she can't just kick her out. We also know from Burlington law that she needs to give us 90 days written notice in order to raise our rent. The problem is is that she is unreasonable, and if we don't give in to her demand to start paying an extra $100 by August first (which she has asked for by text message, not in written notice, and gave us less than 60 days notice for) and instead request formal written notice, I am 100% positive that when she does give us written notice, it will be to raise the rent by at least $300, if not more. We signed an 18 month lease with her, which doesn't end until April, and had heard from our local tenant's association that we can't be held to a lease of more than 12 months unless it's been registered with the clerk's office, which it hasn't been. Unfortunately, the tenant's association hasn't been able to find this statute, and when I spoke to a local lawyer, he didn't know anything about it either. He suggested that we just give her notice anyways, break the lease, and let her take us to court. If we can't leave legally until April, what should we do? If we try to fight back and insist on notice, we could be stuck dealing with substantially higher rent and her wrath for almost 10 more months. Advice?

I know they don't work long term but I think my body got used to taking diet pills. How can I successfully?

There is a good article at about how to properly use thermogenic diet pills which is probably what you were using. You get the best results "cycling" such products

What to do about my boss/roommate yelling at her kids all day everyday?

I work as a nanny to 3 kids, and one is very difficult with huge emotional and behavioral issues. I have received numerous compliments from friends and there family on the positive changes that have came about since i have been there nanny. They went through 6 nannies in 3 years, and i am the only one who has stayed and taken an invested roll in the girl, of which i have been told no one else could get along with her. Well my question is, part of my pay, which is i believe to be below minimum wage, is to live at the house, since the mother works 24 hours shifts. I do not make enough to pay to live anywhere else. Well the problem is that the mother yells at the kids all the time, almost 6 to 10 times a day, i hear her yelling, and it seems to always be right outside my bedroom door, or my window, at ground level. I "hide" in my room constantly when the mother is here, part to give them there space, and privacy, and part because i do not enjoy interaction with the mother, because she always asks me to work overtime without pay, and she is always in a bad mood. the yelling is so distracting, and starts as soon as the kids get home from school, or when the whole family gets home from going somewhere. I can barely get anything done, from work, paying bills, all the work people have to keep up on, (looking for a new job), my entire to do list. The family is on vacation this week and i have been so productive with getting stuff done, that i have realized just how bad her yelling is effecting my emotional well being, and productivity. I have tried working in my car, and to hot this time of year, and i go to the library which is the best alternative, but then need to go get food, etc, and end up spending money, and not getting alot done because of people talking, or loud kids at the library. i would appreciate some idea's as to what other people would do in this situation. I am looking for another job, but with this economy it is a bit of a slow process. I feel if my room and board are part of the pay, i should have a right to a peaceful environment, and not have to listen to all that yelling, of which it doesn't take to get the kids to behave, they do just fine, and i NEVER yell at them, so as to show them that isn't the only way to communicate. Also when there mother is here, all the kids yell alot also, and the girl screems all the time, and fights with her brothers, when im on duty and the mother is gone, non of the kids yell, or scream or fight. It is very peaceful when she isnt here, and when she is, you can tell the anxiety of the kids goes through the ceiling, as does mine. If i were to say something to her, what would be appropriate? Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and respond. I really just would like to know what other people would do, or how it would effect them. thanks!! please no rude or snot-tie responses, my stress levels are off the charts from all the yelling, and the world needs more kind people, not people who can not control themselves :)

On the HMV website, why does it say Otv before all the Glee CD titles?

They are also it a discount code, or are they just cheaper...or is Otv just a digital download? All help appreciated..Also, anyone know when the second part of volume 2 is released on DVD? I'm a massive gleek :L

How much trade-value would I get for Black Ops in GAME, gamestation and HMV?

basically, I am sooo desperate to get some money together for Pokemon Soulsilver and I need to trade in Black Ops (xbox360), since I never play it. So, I would like to know how much money I would get if I traded it in in any shop (I live in Oxford, England - nowhere else) thanks a lot if anyone can help, I need the money!

How come on most jpop cd covers features the artist half naked?

Why is it? Do the Japanese really like their pornography or hentai??? I hate seeing naked chicks on covers while I'm browsing HMV website. No I am not into pornos or hentai. In fact I find it discusting. But anyway, that also happens in america. Sometimes the artist will be half nude. I hate it.

Whats the difference in these headphones?

The sound quality is relatively the same. There is not much difference. Go with what you want. Not much difference besides the look.

Just moved in April and now were seing a roach hear n there like 4 of them?

In the daytime we Don't see them but started seeing them at night. How can I kill them before I move because I don't want them.yuck.....

Can an apartment complex search your apartment if they think they smell marijuana smoke?

I had maintenance come in and fix the a/c and they went to check the vent in my roommates bathroom and she occasionally smokes in there so the vents suck up all the smoke. If he smelled it could it cause a problem?

Roommate advise please?

Ok, so I am a year older than my best friend, and we are thinking about dorming together in college next year after she graduates. So ill be sophomore in college and she will be a freshmen. We have been best friends for a while and are EXTREMELY understanding of each other. We don't fight because of this. (I guess we are like sisters in closeness) Anyway, I am a little hesitant about dorming with her becase she is such a good friend, and i have heard best friends dorming desroys friendships. Neither of us have a dominant personallity or are controlling, but still i am afraid too much time together in a dorm room might be too much. Once she is allowed to live off campus we are going to get a group and get a small house and that will be awesome, but do you think dorming wih your best friend is ALWAYS a bad idea or is there exceptions?

Whirlpool refrigerator makes jugged water smell bad...?

Look at the waterline that goes to the refrigerator. If it has a filter, the filter probably needs changing.

Credit card. good or bad idea?

me and my boyfriend are currently living with a helpfull friend due to poor roommates that we had before. would it be a bad idea to get a credit card with 1,000 limit and use it towards our own apartment and furniture? we are members of a credit union. would it be a bad idea? my boyfriend also get $99,000.00 when he turns 25 due to things that has happen to him during his childhood. so if we couldn't pay it would we be able to wait till he turns 25 in 3 years? what are the pros and cons? is it a good idea? i understand that well have to pay back more then what we used but we would rather have to pay more and have our own home then to share a home with others.

Short survey regarding media trends, please help, need 20 thanks you for your time?

1. Baby Boomer, 2. 30 hours, 3. CD, 4. VCR/DVD, 5. Media store, 6. Media store, tape from tv. 7. Sometimes, 8. Sometimes, 9. No. 10. No.

Is this false advertising?

im pretty sure they will let you trade the thing in for a "non" uncut version (cut I cant see why they wouldnt. Have you tried asking if they would do that yet?

What is the ultimate purpose of the humanity?

you hit the nail on the head. people seem to forget the rules of nature, humans purpose cannot be to reproduce and destroy the planet by doing so, i don't see the point in this pursuit of preserving life, people need to die its a fact of nature, because if they don't, we run into the problems we are facing now. but as far as your question, i have no answer, i think about it all the time, everything has a clearly defined purpose, plants animals, all interlocking, humans seem to be aliens, or a mistake. sorry there is no clear answer, but i agree so much, i had to reply

What are good life motto's or sayings?

i have a summer assignment for 9th honors english (YUCK) and i need a motto or saying. i have a few ideas but nothing great. keep in mind im a 13 year old girl so nothing to deep. thanks(:

Im skinny but I want abs any tips please?

Well I want to start working on my abs what do I need to get or do? My roommate thinks it's so funny that he has an 8 pac and I don't have anything? What works should I do and what do I need? Thanks

8 1/2 weeks pregnant. How can I make my morning barfing more pleasant or at least taste better?

I throw up every morning like 10 minutes after I wake up, like clockwork for the last few weeks. It tastes sooo gross, worse than when I throw up during the day. Is there any way to make it taste not as bad when I throw up in the morning? It's hardly anything but yellow gunk... yuck!

Does dancing for like 10 or more min burn your belly fat?

i was dancing for like some 10 mins then when i stooped my back was all sweaty ( but it was only in my back and in my stomach it was wasn't that sweaty, so i was just wondering does it still burn you fat from your belly .... (i was dancing hip hop nonstop for like 10 or more mins)

Thursday, July 21, 2011


ok im really mad right now. So i was having a conversation with my "best friend" and hes in florida and i was talking to him about the girl i have loved for 8 years. He tells me he thinks shes a slut and that he helped her bf come up with questions to ask the girl when they play a question game! He came up with really sexual questions too! And, i also don't really like the girls bf, he kinda drinks and smokes and stuff, so i kinda was trash talking him to defend the girl i love cause she ISN'T a slut!!! Then i tell him if he tells her bf ANY of this he can say goodbye to his current girlfriend (i could actually do that) and then he tells me that his roommate (my "friend" is in Florida on a class trip) is reading EVERY TEXT OUT LOUD FOR THE BF TO HEAR!!! The people in his room are him, the kid reading the texts out loud, and the girls bf. IM REALLY P***** OFF AT MY SO CALLED FRIEND BUT WHAT DO I DO NOW????? I can only assume the bf HATES me now but what can i do..... i LOVE this girl btw :(

Does Cameron Diaz know that she's ugly?

Her face looks like it was carved from a block of cheese. Especially with this movie "Bad Teacher". Yuck

How do i make HMV (halo music videos)?

I edit videos all the time at home and i play Halo: Reach a lot and i have clips saved on my local files and i have all the editing software needed, my question is simply more of how do i get the clips on my computer so i can make videos with them, thanks

I have a stalker or an obsessive guy,,on my hands.. help me please?

Sounds like you are sending mixed signals here. What do you mean "I hinted to him that I just want to be friends....." How about giving honesty a shot? He obviously thinks you have a romantic interest in him and is pursuing you based on that. He isn't obsessive. It's time for you to get a dose of maturity and either start acting like a grown up or quit with the dating scene until you are able to act like a grown up.

Bitter apple vs bitter yuck?

i tried using bitter yuck on my 10 month old puppy and he still chews on my furniture. will bitter apple bbe better? help i am at my wits end. i don't want crate him. please don't tell me to do it, because i won't. i work for 10 straight hours and there is noone to let him out or play with him. i personally think that crating is cruel.

If I were to relocate to New York City, what average cost should I expect?

I know a couple million, but I'm high maintenance so I think a little more. Let's suppose I was looking to drive a Prius, a two-bedroom apartment in Fifth Avenue or Park Avenue, go regularly to the spa, get a membership at Equinox, shopping and indulgences regularly (pampering included), expensive restaurants, and work for a magazine such as Vogue or Seventeen. And go to Parsons. But the apartment is not for when I have kids; it's for college, so I'd probably get a roommate. I'm doing a research project to show my parents I'm responsible so maybe we'll move before then. I'm 14.

Hmv hammersmith Apollo age limit?

I've ordered tickets to go to hmv hammersmith apollo to see The Wanted, me and my friend are going, im not 15 yet but by the time we go she would be 15, but I won't, and people who are 14 or under have to have an adult! So does that mean I have to buy another ticket? Cuz I don't want to :) I was thinking that they wont know how old I am so I should just walk in normally like I was 15? What do you think?

I Wanna Move To LA , !?

Okay So Ive Been Thinking About Moving To LA , I Was There Visiting Family && Just Fell In Love ! Im 19, Stay In TN, Live With My Parents , I Have My Car , & A Job, Im Thinking About Moving Next Year , Once I Save Enough Money To Be Okay For The First 2 Months Im There && It Would Also Be Nice To Find A RoomMate Since Apartments Are Pretty Expensive ...But Everyone Tells Me Not Too Move , I Get ALOT Of Negative Feedback... So Any Advice ? I Know LA Is Expensive && I Cant Just Expect To Move There & Be Fine... Nothing In Life Is Easy.... But Its A Change I Really Need... Im Just Looking For Advice , Pleasee (:

Can you have refunds on a gift card?

I brought these ear buds at hmv and i had a gift card from a friend so i payed with that. But unfortunately she broke my ear buds and now the sound doesn't work in one ear. So i was thinking saving buying a new pair could i get a refund or exchange or something? Thanks xxx

Bought HMV tickets in store?

Recently I bought some tickets in store for a show on the 11th of july and they took my email and never sent me a confirmation email, although i have the reference number. do you know how i can check the process of the tickets, for example when they're going to be dispatched?

What's wrong with McDonald's coffee?

Most of the choices are too sweet,they're awful. It's an adult beverage and it shouldn't taste like it's made for kids.Even the artificial sweetener choices are bad. I've tried just plain iced coffee but it all lacks consistency.Sometimes it's good, sometimes it tastes like I'm drinking liquid coffee grounds.Yuck. When the product first came out it was very good. Now I have to stand there and ask them to put in less syrup etc. Even though the sign says we can have it made our way, the employees don't want to do that.The point of McDonald's is that you can get the same food at every "restaurant" and I never know how they will make it.

Nintendo Ds lite Sell?

Don't get the DSi, sell your DS Lite and with that money get a 3DS. Soon they'll stop mkaing DS games altogether.

Are there any boys names...?

Are there any nice boy names beginning with W? I mean seriously, that letter is so neglected... Even X has Xander and Xavier, but I just can't find any W names I like. Please don't say William, yuck.

Ok i just bought a CD from HMV and i cant to the music onto the Xbox 360?

I dont have a hard drive i have tryed to burn the music onto a usb hard drive and i cant find the music but whenever i insert the disc i can listen to the music but the option rip cd dosent allow me to press it The album is circus and i bought it from HMV reply ASAP

Am I weird for not thinking Ryan Reynolds is hot?

I`m a bi-gal and I don`t think Matt Damon is hot, either. He might be a very nice person, but boring in the looks department. And I don`t even know who Ryan Reynolds is.

Repair iPod Touch 3g or buy new iPod touch 4g?

As personal experience, I really suggest getting a new ipod 4g! It is amazing and I use it for everything and you can skype with people on it! Also, you might end up paying a lot to just get your 3g fixed. If you do go to buy the new 4g, make sure you recycle your old 3g because apple with give you a little money towards buying the new one (just for recycling!) the features on the 4g are so much better and crisper...more hi-def! so my opinion = get the new 4g! hope this helped

What is the name of the film with a cover like this?

Could it be the Wasp Woman? It was a 1995 TV movie, but the picture advertising it shows 1/2 a woman's face with a wasp close to her eye.

Is there anyway I could get downstairs having an upstairs ticket? (HMV FORUM)?

Youve go no chance of getting in downstairs but everyone upstairs will be standing anyway so you will be fine

Poll what is the worst tasting thing you can think of?

I have to take a antibiotic for the post surgery infection in my foot and it is so nasty it tastes like 4oz of Liquid cherry banana pasty chalk yuck and the after taste leaves a lot to be desired

Where to buy a copy of Aladdin on DVD In Store Not online?

Im looking to buy a copy of aladdin on dvd IN STORE! I live in London Ontario Canada. So any suggestions would be great. Ive checked BestBuy, HMV, Walmart, Blockbuster,

Where does my tuition and room&board money go?

I go to the University of Oregon. So when I pay 20 grand a year for college, where does all of that money go to? This is roughly 10 grand housing and 10 grand tuition. For Housing, I see no way that it takes 10 grand from each of the 2 roommates to live in a SMALL dorm with food. Maybe a few thousand, but 10 each to live in a small room with food. Also what about tuition? When there are 20,000 kids paying for classes, how does it come out to roughly 10 grand each. Thats roughly 200 million dollars to go towards teacher salaries. Not to mention GTF's who teach a lot of the classes and only receive $4,500 for the year. I just don't see where the money goes. I've heard that there are things like clubs will receive $5,000 from the school and they can be about anything, such as "Watching soccer for diversity purposes". In other terms, the club has trips to sports bars and watch soccer for "diversity purposes", with the school, or let me say student picking up the tab. WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

Macbook says that my dvd is a blank disk?

I have a dvd- I bought it from HMV, it's not a pirate copy- and when I put it into my macbook it made strange noises and kept saying 'skipping over damaged area.' I clicked 'menu' on the dvd control pad and it came up with an error message. It wouldn't eject, so I used disk utility to eject it. Disk utility said that I had entered a blank disk- but initially when I put the disk in the computer DVD player opened automatically. Does anybody know what's wrong?

If you've read Chelsea Handler's "My Horizontal Life", can you answer my question?

I'm thinking it is. In Heather's book, she does mention she was a virgin til she was 28. It sure sounds a lot like her.

Internet shopping question? :)?

i just ordered something from the hmv website and it says "shipping within 24 hours" does this mean it will be delivered in 24 hours or what? thanks x

Brought Game From HMV with No Game Inside?

Today i went to hmv and picked up guitar hero metallica for a fiver. the guy was talking to me about trade-ins and was paying little attention to the game. so i went home and opened the case and there was the Manuel but no game,i have the receipt so what should i do. will hmv believe my story.

So I walked in on my roommate sniffing the skeet...?

She's a girl. It was in her bedroom, and I haven't even been in their yet. I thought she was praying on her bed, but her nose was right up there! Apparently, she has a boyfriend and they were doing something yesterday while I was out. I don't know if I want to live with such a crazy...I don't even know what to say. What should I do?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Survey: how should I handle my drunk roommate?

She is really drunk off of southern comfort. Its really funny but not sure what to do. Should I just put her to bed?

Everybody thinks im gay, what should i do?

Why do so many people feel like they can come to the LGBTQ section and ask such stupid questions?! Just today i have encountered about 5 dumb and bogus questions! U trolls are lame!!!

Very big issue involving cats and our new landlord, what should I do?

If I were you, I'd confront the landlord and be honest. Mention that they have no place to go and your only option is for you to take them in. Most apartment complexes (actually I think all) charge you extra for having pets in the house. But to be honest I had a cat in my apartment and my landlord or manager of the complex never knew nor found out. I find it the right way to be honest because if the landlord were to find the cat and you never told him/her then that's twice the penalty. Just be honest! :) Good luck!

Why do roommates have to pull this squatters law crap why can't they just leave worst people I have ever met?

Because you're making it easy for them to do so. Make their living conditions intolerable and they won't stay.

Does anyone know Where I can get a picture of the organisational structure of HMV?

I need a picture of the structure and also if possible some details on what type of structure such as Tall, Flat or Matrix

Should I get a waxing or a laser hair removal?

I'm a 20 year old male in college and I have noticeable and dark hair on my hands, arms, knuckles, chest, and stomach. The fact is I don't want to shave because my mom always used to tell me "it grows back stronger, thicker, and blacker". The thing is ever since I was 15 I have been obsessive over this! I'm caucasian have dark brown hair and dark blue eyes if your wondering (I am of only Irish and English descent). I naturally have OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and I have Asperger's (High Functioning Autism). My dad was very hairy and had thick hair on his hands and fingers. I have been so embarrassed to go to the pool with my friends (who are older than me and way less hairy than me), I have 6-pack abs but you can't see them well because of that HAIR GRRRRRR!!!!!! To my roommate, I always make the excuse "it's gay" when he always asks me "why do you always go to the bathroom when you put your shirt on and take your shirt off?" or "why don't you wanna swim with us?". I always wear long sleeves even in the summer and always wear a shirt when I swim because it's way too embarrassing!!!!!!!!!! I feel like my roommate is my only friend, I haven't had a girlfriend since I was 14, and I can't concentrate on any tests/quizzes because I'm just a big sychopath over this. Should I do waxing or laser hair removal?

Is there anyway I could get downstairs having an upstairs ticket? (HMV FORUM)?

Youve go no chance of getting in downstairs but everyone upstairs will be standing anyway so you will be fine

How do I get out of this guilt circle?

So, I have a boyfriend and I love him so much! Sometimes he can be really inconsiderate and doesn't really treat me like an equal. I've been "friends with benefits" with my best friends ex-boyfriend. They were together for a really long time, but their relationship fell through, I always thought he was a super great guy though. He lives with roommates, who are mutual friends between me, him, and her. Their usually not home, but sometimes i'll run into them walking out. I worry about the news spreading to my friend and I worry about my boyfriend finding out. How do I get out of this circle with no guilt?

HMV, why should the UK taxpayer bail out these blood sucking leeches ?

How many people does HMV employ? Imagine that you are one; would you prefer that the company was bailed out, or that you were made unemployed in the current climate? Try to see a bigger picture

Husband and I Separating, Military?

Contact your family and see if you can move in with them. Once you two are separated, he only has to provide support for the kids which is a couple of hundred dollars based on his income. That will not cover all of your expenses.

My woman got pregnant, and wants it but I don't, what do I do?

As a male, you have no say in wether she keeps the child or not. You made the decision to sleep with her, therefore it is your responsibility to take care of the child. Don't sleep with someone if you're not man enough to face the responsibility that comes along with it.

White stuff on my tonsils? What is it?

I've been having pain for 2 days now, I went to my doctor yesterday. He did the usual throat swab, and nothing was white then. I woke up, took my penicillin like I have to. I got home and decided to take a look at my tonsils, and theres white blotches on my right tonsil. I feel like puking looking at them. Yuck!

Book recommendations?

I have a Summer IB English assignment (yuck) and I have to read a work of literary fiction of my choice. Can anyone recommend any good novels that fall into this genre? No young adult novels though, please, only higher. Thanks in advance.

Suggestions for roommate/moral dilemma?

I'm living with a good friend who is not in the most sound place financially. Basically he is used to a higher lifestyle until he was cut off, and wants to maintain that lifestyle with minimum wage jobs. I had to lend him $350 in order to make deposit in May, and I have asked repeatedly him for me to start paying me back, even if it's $10-20 here or there to no avail. I want to cut off his internet, as punishment until he starts making payments. The question I have is, do you think it's a good idea? Or is there another method you would take? I know he is trying to deal with a piling amount of debt, and I feel bad for him, but I am getting sick and tired of him stonewalling me especially since he is not making any lifestyle changes. Thanks!

PS3 much?

About $80-$100, depending on where you sell it. On ebay or craigslist, you may be able to get more though

How to pre order a game online from

Basically i saw the mw3 poster at, and i hit preorder, it added it to my basket? Do i have to enter credit card details? Can i not just get it reserved and go in and buy it with cash on the day? Also is it the same with HMV and Gamestation?

Swallowing semen from different partners at the same time?

My college roommate with her "guy friends" had a sex party... after she performed oral to all of them, yes she swallowed, and after 2-3 hours she had horrible stomach/intestinal pains. It was not like wanting to throw up but from a slight body movement her stomach/intestinal would give her this disgusting heavy pain. So I was wondering if this may of been from swallowing the semen from different male partners at the same time? No the guys were physically healthy as far as I know!

Does he like me or am i just fooling myself?

Soo i hooked up with this guy last week we had fun and he texted me later that night about how he had fun, then the next day he invited me over on thursday to party with him and his friends....thursday rolls around he's being nice and cracking jokes with my roomies he remembers things i told him on tuesday...later that night we hooked up again and i spent the night. That morning i woke up early cause my roommates came and picked me up because they had a bad night...he didnt text me after but i texted him on sunday and we conversed for the day but then nothing and today i texted him but it was short...i should probably forget about him shouldnt i...:/

How do i apply for a summer job (im turning 16)?

If they're local shops then send them your CV. If it's a big chain then everything is done online. If it's at a retail store like target or best buy then call them a week after you apply if they haven't called you already. Make sure to add any volunteer or past job experience. That's extremely important.

How can i stop these terrible stomach aches?

im 13,girl, and i get extremly bad stomach aches! and no no its not menstural cramps it happens wayy to often! im soo sick of it! i guess u could say i have a bad diet, i do eat alot of greasy food every night and breakfast i eat mcdonalds i know its not healthy but i tried eating other foods but other food is totally disgusting! i cant believe people could eat other stuff because mcdonalds the food is good but regualar food is yuck nothing plain bland and doesnt fill my stomache also i dont drink water because water taste bad :/ any other suggestions besides changing my diet to make my stomach stop hurting?!?! (the stomach ache is everyday or sometimes i m lucky and get it everyother day)

Dr dre beats tour need help?

im 16 years old and i bought dr dre tour headphones like 3 months ago and 3 days ago the left earphone broke the headphone piece has come apart with the wires so there is no connection with the music and i was wondering if i could take these into hmv and exchange them with a other pair or get my money back as i have a warranty on them and i didn't brake them on purpose i took them out of the black case that come with it and the left headphone just come apart :( i have a one year warranty to and they cost me �100

Why does it seem when a new COD comes out pc users need a upgrade?

Some people upgrade their graphic card once every 6 months or so. But I guess the company who makes COD games realize that a lot of people who play video games are picky about the graphics.

Should i be angry at her?

Well I needed to go to the toilet for my 'time of month' and while i was in there the toilets are pretty yuck so i put toilet paper around the seats and had to take my blazer off etc so that took a while then these girls who are older came in and banged on my cubical saying get out hurry up when they had just been waiting for under 5 seconds! So i stayed in there didn't want to get embarrassed and waited till they went and they kept asking my friend who was there whats my name and she told them and they knew me and started laughing at me!! One of the girls knew me she laughed but said lay off her when she found out it was me... then they went but it was so embarrassing they were like is she having a massive craap in there?? I was just staying there till they went so they wouldn't know :| Why did my friend say my name for?? Shes always 'accidentally' blabbing my secrets and saying everything out loud after i tell her im pretty pissed so i cant tell whether im being unreasonable or not..Help?

Internet keeps disconnecting. -_-?

when im on my laptop for a while, it periodically disconnects. every 10-20 minutes it will say 'no signal' and i will have to wait 5 minutes for the connection to come back on again.. it gets really annoying, and im not sure why its doing it because my roommate uses the same connection as me and she never has any troubles staying connected. is there anything i could do to fix this problem? thank you for all help.

Am I entitled to reddress without proof of purchase? Faulty please help :)?

I bought a pair of Coloud headphones about 2 months ago in HMV. I always had a feeling the sound was a bit off because it would shake about if I moved the jack when it was plugged into anything. the problem is now the sound is gone completely, and I burned the receipt and the box it came in! The good thing is that the headphones came with a year's warranty from the manufacturer, but whose responsibility is it to address the problem; Coloud or HMV? And will I receive a refund/replacement without proof of purchase? Please help :)

My boyfriend made out with his best mate?

You should ask your boyfriend first about what you saw, maybe his friend was mocking him about you kissing your boyfriend bye. You did say Calvin likes to make fun of you. John was probably trying to shut him up. Alternatively, they may actually be jackasses. The only way you can find out is to talk to John directly! If you can't talk to him about things, then maybe you should reconsider being with him.

How do you french kiss?

I'm a 14 year old and I'm on my to high school. I've had my first kiss, but it was nothing but a mere brushing of the lips, and his lips tasted like salt (YUCK! I was freaking out when i got home). And since I'm going to high school I feel like I should learn how to kiss, like REALLY french kiss. Any advice?

LUXOR: Anyone interested in spending one month in Luxor, Egypt?

I am looking for 2 roommates to share a 3 bdrm flat on the West Bank. The flat is 10 minutes from the Valley of the Kings. It is a fully furnished, but very basic flat>$150 each person per month. This is a great opportunity to discover the outdoor museum of the world.

What is the name of that game? (Racing)?

I think the game you might be referring to is Burnout Paradise because in Burnout you are always driving on big maps where you are free roaming or Need For Speed undercover cause you always are free roaming unless you want to race

Concerned About My Baby Boys Stool & Urine Smell (1month Old)?

Dehydration is one cause of smelly urine.... are you giving him any water? Also, NEVER give him "baby water".... it contains fluoride, which is NOT good for anyone, much less a new baby. Give him fresh spring water in a bottle, room temperature. Also, babies DO poop right after each meal.... that is the way our bodies are supposed to work. Your baby's feces color is just fine too... at one month it is supposed to be yellow and runny... there are no solids to digest. Is he fussy? Does he cry a lot? These are the things that you must watch for.... babies who are content and feel good usually do not cry much, and sleep 4 hours before eating. As for the diaper rash, get some zinc oxide. Your baby's bottom needs to be cleaned too, not just with water. Find some mild soap to clean him with, let the skin dry well, then apply the zinc oxide. change your baby often.... this might be expensive, but sitting in urine will contribute to the rash. Good luck, new momma.... in no time you will feel confident and be more self assured... the first few months are the hardest!!

Best exfoliator for legs?

I'd definitely say the Soap & glory flake away body scrub ( It's by far the best body scrub i've ever used, it's especially good for legs. It smells really good and after use your skin feels smooth, soft and moisturised. It's also not expensive and it's on 3 for 2! You can use your hands and you don't need so use very much, so it will last you quite a while.

I need help with crate training!!! need experienced answere!?

I adopted a two year old toy poodle ( about 5 pounds) I've been trying to crate train her for almost two months. She is in a very small wire kennel for her size. ( she only has enough room to sit or lay down.) But she pees and poops where she lays. I take her potty with my other dog (also 5 pounds) four times a day. I feel so bad for.her because I keep her in there most of the time, if I don't she poops and pees on the sofa! I just don't understand what could be going wrong. Dogs aren't supposed to like deficating where they lay! On the rare occasion my other dog has an accident in her crate she would be crammed in the corner as if it would burn her if she touched it. This dog dances in it! Yuck I tried taking them potty together 5 times a day and after she's peed outside she'll potty in it two hours later. I don't want to take her back to.the shelter cause I know she'll be putt down. I don't know what to do ....

Is it possible to just "Feel"Pregnant?

the earliest to take a test is supposed to be 5 days before your expected period if you dont know when that is then 12 days past your last sexual intercourse. it is possibly to simply feel pregnant and it's the most likely for your symptoms. i've felt pregnant with several of the same symptoms for months and i am not pregnant.

What do i take when trading in an Xbox 360 hard drive?

I want to trade in my 120gb Xbox 360 hard drive in Hmv and didnt know if I needed to take anything else with it? I know some of them came with transfer cables but mine didnt so can I just take the hard drive?

How to look for an apartment in Brussels?

Currently 3 roommates studying here looking for an apartment ,We dont want a small one but not a fancy big one ,3 rooms and 2 bathrooms would be awesome,We dont wanna pay anything above 1000$ a month but since all we found was way higher ,Anyone can give us where to look? or a website or something?? anything please? thanks.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Do you think HMV will give me a refund for these earphones?

Today I bought a �10 pair of earphones from HMV, they are the HMV brand. However they sound like crap. They sound even worse than my cheap earphones. If I ask HMV for a refund on these grounds, do you think I will get one?

Is my knuckle broken?

I got in a fight with my roommate. Instead of punching her, i punched a wall. This was about 6 hours ago. I cant move my fingers, its very swollen. Throbbing pain. the fingers are also tingling. Its not red anymore, but already looks bruised.

I ordered something on but ....?

Five days ago they told me they would email me to let me know when my order has been sent out. But I haven't received an email yet, except the first confirmation email. Should I care or wait (I live in Italy)?And I wanted to ask you...Is there a way to know where is my package (like Amazon)?

Trying to lose weight again.?

so last summer i lost 16 pounds... and i was happy. well i couldnt really see a difference but oh well i went back to school and gained it all back.. thankfully i didnt gain more. but now im at the same again. and ive been trying to lose it.. and i just cant. i go on walks about 4 miles a day. i just turned 17 on tuesday. i weigh 174 lbs. and im 5'4. yuck i know... but i want my senior year to be the best. and i want to lose this healthy. what i usually eat durning the day is. cereal, slimfast, bananas, boiled eggs, 60 calorie pudding, apple, advacado, and thats about it. it depends on the day though. but last year i did so much better and i dont understand why :( please help thanks guys!!

Am i turning homophobic? serious question.? I have always loved and got along with everybody...I even had a gay roommate for about a year...I would even go with him and a few of his friends to the gay clubs every now and then just to take a break from the straight scene and I genuinely enjoyed the company and atmosphere...but now...the more that I'm surounded by the "gay lifestyle" in the news 24/7 and in my hometown...I'm kind of starting to dispise it...I support gay mariage but..idk...after going to a couple pride festivals and seeing all the whorish attitudes..idk..I'm just getting really over the whole rights arguement and other crap...I'm a straight man with a gf but I don't wanna lose my gay buddies to my new feelings...anybody else starting to feel like this??? Say what you want about straight men being'd be lucky to find ONE loyal gay man in my town...sorry if I offended anybody..and no I'm not speaking about something that happened to just seems to be a general observtion I made through my time in various homosexual environments...

Do you think I'll be alright on my own?

I'm 23 and moving out in two weeks, I will be living with a roommate in an apartment. I'm excited and know it's time for me to go, but I can't help but feel a little nervous/sad about going. When I was 18 I moved out to go to college and I moved back home within the first month. This time I feel different and feel like I am mature enough to go out on my own plus I'll have my own room/bathroom. I'll be 15 mins from my moms house as well. Will I be ok? Any advice?

Please help me - roommate issue over guest visiting?

I have had this same issue come up living with roommates. I am a social person but I feel that your home is your home and there is where you should be comfortable and be able to have you time. Something about having overnight visitors just rubs me the wrong way. I don't think you were over reacting at all. You even tried to compromise with your roommate. Sounds like maybe next time get a 1 bedroom or studio and live on your own... With roommates there is always something!!

Please help me all cat lovers! what do i do?

Would you be proud of your daughter if she saved a cat from abuse just tell your mum how you feel about the cat and shell understand

Can roommate enter room without permission?

I have a verbal agreement with my roommate for renting a master bedroom with private bath. I pay my rent on time as agreed upon. Since I have started renting the room, not only has he increased the rent by $120 a month, he has also moved in his girlfriend, her daughter and constantly has a houseful of people. There is only one other bathroom in the house and he has told me that any time they feel the need to, whoever wants to, will come into my room to use my bathroom. I was under the impression that if I am paying rent on a room, that no one is allowed to come into my room without further notice. I keep my door closed at all times and it never happens when I am home. Only when I am gone. Please help as I am feeling very invaded by my roommate.

Move away for community college?

I am a senior and will be starting college in the fall of 2012. It has been my dream to move to San Diego right after highschool and go to SDSU but I can't afford the tuition and don't have the required 2 years of a foreign language to get in. Rather than being stuck at a community college in my hometown, i have been considering moving down to San Diego after graduation, getting an apartment with a roommate or two, and attending the community college down there. The only problem is finding a job down there, getting an apartment, and saving up money to survive off of until i get employed in San Diego. Is it worth going through all this trouble to move down there or should i just attend my local CC? And, in the end, would it be cheaper, as expensive or more expensive to live down there in an apartment vs. going straight to SDSU?

Will hmv hire me if i am 15?

i will soon be 16 but would like a job so if anyone knows about this please answer. also i would like to know how much pay and working hours please

How do I say no to someone who wants to be my roommate?

It's not that I don't like her or I don't want to be her friend, but I don't know her that well. I've never met her and all we've done is message each other on Facebook. I want to decline politely because she seems like a nice girl who I would want to be friends with, but I don't want to room with her when I don't know her.

Apartment & roommate info?

im going to collage this fall and moving into a apartment with a roommate. i wanted to know about it, tips about living in a apparent and with a roommate?

My boyfriend got a tattoo of a naked woman?

No its not wrong to feel that way. A tattoo says a lot about a person and a tattoo of a naked woman is very trashy and lacking class. Being that he knew about your insecurities he obviously didn't care. And I don't know of any woman who wants to see a naked woman while having sex with her man (unless she swings both ways)

My roommate stole my belongings while I was incarcerated...can I take out a warrant or go in with my key and g?

While I was incarcerated for 60 days, my boyfriend was in contact with my roommate, who assured him my belongings were safe and taken care of. We went to retrieve my belongings yesterday, which they were stored in bins. When I got home and went through the bins, I found she had gone through everything, taken all my summer clothing, bathing suits, Jones New York suits, every pair of jeans I owned...totalling well over $5000 in clothing. Can I take out a warrant without receipts for the clothes? I still have my key...can I go in and get my things? I am willing to take a police escort if necessary...PLEASE tell me how to get my things back or file suit for the loss.

What does My dream mean?

Well I had a dream Last Night And it was me and the foo fighters ! and we were like just following them like we had backstage and everything for a concert for 2 days 1st night we slept with them like in seperate beds but we were in my house and the layout was the same but i didnt have anything apart from me a and my old bestfriend ,dave grohl, Taylor Hawkins , and dthe other foo fighters guitarist ! and is was normall then we started wrestling Like Play Fighting etc running round the house!! then i woke up and he had to do book signing at a shop which ended up to be at hmv then he was leaving cause it was the last day he walked out then came back in and said ohh yer here is book i want u to have it helped me then says read it quickly and it had all like guitar moves how to sing to a crowd etc and it was the book he read up as a kid!! help best dream i had but dont no what it means !! ohh yer p.s on the first night my mates wasnt there cause i was playing with the foo fighters on stage then my mate came at the sleepover!!

Shaving my pubes (vag) ?? i need help!?

i've been shaving for a few months down there, trying to please no one but myself. when i shaved, i always went agaisnt the grain with just plain water in the shower and i would get like bumps and a few pimples yuck! BAD WAY TO SHAVE I KNOW. im a virgin so it cant be std's. i just researched shaving and i was wondering if i would still get these bumps if i shave WITH the grain and with my dads shaving cream ? lol. advice ?

Where is the best place to live on campus at university of tennesse?

i have a lot opposite sex friends and i have to live on campus my fresh\man year don't care to have roommates or cramp like that i just don't want to buy there food or walk a mile to do laundry

Is there any good mac games out there?

I went to blockbusters, best buy, london drugs, and HMV but all i find is this bejewelled **** and COD4 for 60$. if there any good FPS games out there for mac that aren't so damn expensive?

Where can I buy Roxett's new album; 'Charm School'?

I'm in the UK so i went to ASDA but they didn't have it in stock nor was it on the album chart. Can i buy it in HMV do you think? I haven't tried any other places yet so I'll have a look around. Would they even have that album out in England? I'm sure they would because even though they're swedish they sing in English and they're a big hit over here. So any suggestion where I could get their new album? It was officially released ont he 11th of February. :)

Monday, July 18, 2011

How can i make myself look older?

I would like to go see Dylan Moran live on my 14th birthday however the arena where its being held (HMV Hammer smith Apollo) has an age restriction of 15. I am hoping my voice will break by the time my birthday comes around but just in case it doesn't, i need some tips on how i can make myself appear a year older. Thanks. PS, i am male

What is the film manic about?

i seen the film in HMV yesterday and it had a puppet and i man on the front it looked good i was wondering what it was about?

What are the best PS3 games out at the moment?

Any recommendations on current titles as I got some HMV vouchers to spend. Got GT5 and Dead Space 2 but apart from that I cant think of any other games. Thinking of Yakuza 4 as I'm a fan but not willing to fork out �40 for it! (rather pick it up later) What about the new Motorstorm coming out??? Any help would be great!! thanks guys

How important is signing out?

I'm the only one who uses my computer.The ones i look at daily are my Email,yahoo Email/answers and HMV.I sign out of my bank account but don't bother with the others.Incidently, i've come out of my bank account twice without signing out because i pressed the wrong button,what could the consequences be.

Can my apartment keep my deposit if my roommate is staying after our lease is up?

Your deposit is returned when the apartment is vacated. It's not, you don't get it back. Get it from your roommate's new roommate.

What's the closest shopping centre to Merrion square, dublin?

I'm from Portlaoise and I'm going up to the street performance world championship (where's Wally thing) in dublin in Merrion square and I was wondering where is the closest mcdonalds and hmv to it in walking distance or a shopping center that at least has hmv?

How much are these games worth...?

I want to trade in call of duty world at war and i maybe nba 2k10 (depending on worth) how much will i get at Game or HMV. Thanks.

Good music stores in Montreal, QC?

Hey guys, I''m looking for good music store(s) in the Montreal area of Quebec that has a wide selection of rock n roll music(1960s-1980s) and old school heavy metal/hair metal(Motley Crue, Kiss, Alice Cooper, etc) I would also like to know where I can get a cheap vinyl player and vinyls for it. Yes I've been to stores like the HMV megastore downtown but I want a store that's more dedicated to rock and heavy metal. Thanks a lot guys!

How can i get this image onto a normal sized poster?

Do an Internet search for him. There were too many choices to pick one for you when I did the search myself. I just entered his name to find them. I would recommend going to his fan club website so you can buy the poster there. To try to make the poster on your own computer would be too complex for me to explain. You would also need a plotter, which is a very large printer that can print out at that size. You can also print out the poster as 8.5" X 11" tiles, if you know how to do that.

Are the Constitution and organized religion the biggest roadblocks to American progress in a modern world?

you might want to read the Constitution again and then let us know which specific parts are "roadblocks to American progress in a modern world"

This summer is not going to end well?

You're right. If she has the money she brags about then she should not be eating your food unless you tell her to. She shouldn't have ate her take out in front of you and not offer you any, especially after eating your stuff. She's selfish and not a very good room mate so you might want to consider other living arrangements. Situations like your never turn out to good.

What hairstyles would work for a 19-20 year old student teacher?

What could I do with my hair that is easy and looks good? It needs to look professional not sloppy. We do get graded on our look and if we look professional or not. I can learn some new styles if anyone has suggestions. I would like to learn how to do my hair, since this last year my roommate did it (she loves doing it but I still want to learn to do some styles on my own). I have brown with a slight red tint hair that goes about 12 inches below my shoulders. I AM NOT getting it cut so don't suggest that. I look younger than I am a few years ago someone thought I was in 7th grade when I was really in 11th. What can I do without cutting or dying my hair? Quick and easy if possible. If not quick then easy would be my next choice. Thanks!!!

Anyone have any tasty, HEALTHY vegan/vegetarian recipes? ?

for vegetarian and vegan recipes use the One Word A Search Approach such as: Breakfast, Fruit, Live, Raw, Grains, Lunch, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Greens, Protein, Dinner, Lentils, Legumes, Nuts, Seeds, Dessert, and Smoothie in the search box of happy cow at a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a , vegetarian times at a href="" rel="nofollow" and veg web at a href="" rel="nofollow"

Why am I so very prude?

Hahahaha I laugh at my own question title. but anyway. I'm a 15 year old girl in high school and two of my friends are always covered in hickeys and are going out with guys, while my other friend (has never had a bf but sexts random guys a lot...) Anyway I've never had a boyfriend (well except those kindergarten boyfriends but those don't count..hahaha) and I've never been kissed but I'm ok with that. And making out freaks the crap out of me. I cannot handle having another person's tongue in my mouth. YUCK! even for couples in love. I don't judge people for it, because I know that it is natural but me...I am just grossed out. I am straight and like boys, and if i see a hot guy im like OH HOT DAYUMMMMMM but making out and hickeys? that is just gross. Why am I so prude? It's definitely a turn off for guys...but I guess I'm just a sucker for disney movies and am pretty innocent at heart..even though I curse like a sailor. my one friend at school has been dating this boy for 2 years and they haven't even kissed but he is so sweet to her and vice versa and he acts all fatherly towards her little sister...they are so adorable AND THEY HAVEN'T EVEN KISSED!!!! why can't all high school relationships be like this??? this is more of a story than a question......but I guess i'll ask...Do you think I should stick to my guns with this and wait for the right guy who respects this? Or should I lighten up a bit..not like full blown OH LET ME OPEN MY LEGS AND BECOME A SLUT but you know less prude? hahahaha

Will i have to be when HMV deliver?

Items ordered through HMV do not normally require a signature when they are delivered, unless it is a large package you have ordered. If it will fit through your letterbox or the item can be left out of public view in your porch there will be no problem.

Why on earth do cameras make me look HIDIOUS?

Honestly I get that too, try different camera angels such as slightly above your eyes. you might just have to find your "camera angle"

Will microsoft charge you extra if you remove the warranty sticker from an xbox?

Nahh they will just send it back and say they can't fix it because it voids the warranty. Stupid Microsoft should of made a better product

Xbox live terms of use question advertising?

Well i was in a xbl party with a friend and he was talking about his xbox that always overheats so i said if u trade it in for example hmv, gamestation u can get money off another one i no its sounds daft but will be banned for advertising goods or services as it says in xbl terms of use thanks 4 any help :)

Should I buy La noire?

I was thinking of buying la noire today from hmv for �25 cos I've got a �15 gift card voucher- do you think it's worth buying the game?

My landlord gave me a notice to vacate, then conditionally changed her mind. Should I stay?

So about a month ago I noticed some spots growing on my carpet, and I complained to my landlord because it freaked me out. She got pissed but fixed it. In the meantime my lease was expiring and my roommate was moving out. My roommate is a slob. My landlord made a bunch of comments about how dirty the place was and then handed me a notice to vacate. So I thought it was that she thought it was because we are dirty. Well she's just pissed about the carpet. I would like to add that she is bitching at me constantly over minor things. She has spend about an hour a day for a week bitching about the most random things, until she gave the notice to vacate. My boyfriend wanted me to ask her to reconsider. I didn't want to but I broke down after he nagged me for 2 weeks. She called me today, and after bitching at me for over an hour and a half, she said she would think about it and call me back next week. But, if she did allow me to stay it would be month to month so that she could give me another notice to vacate and I needed to understand that was the only way she would let me stay. She says she will get back to me next week. But, I need to keep looking other places. Now, my boyfriend is mad because I asked him to miss work to help me find places to live. We live together. He just keeps saying he wants to stay here. But, I want security that I wont get evicted. Should I plan on staying when I really only have 30days?

Ex/Roommate Text Convo! Who's in the wrong?

I'm thinking it's a little of column A and a little of column B. Thus is the danger of texting. You can't text tones.

What to do about my life/Mother?

WOW :o feel better :) think positive & remember we have only one life to live. LIVE IT TO THE FULLEST !

Problem connecting to internet with Netgear N300 Wireless Router?

My roommate just purchased a Netgear N300 Wireless Router and set it up. He created a password which I have. I entered the password on my wireless laptop and it says i have successfully connected to the network, but I do not have internet access. It states I only have a "local connection". I have never had a problem connecting to wireless hotspots until now and I'm running out of ideas. I have my computer set up to acquire IP address automatically etc. I can successfully connect to his wireless network on my cell phone w/o any problems and friends can too when they visit. I have reset the modem / router and it has not corrected the problem. Can someone explain what I need to do get connected to internet. Thanks!

Sims 3 won't start up?

The launch menu will open, but when I select "play," it says the program won't respond, and it never does respond. I've let it sit for hours. In addition, it won't even let me close it using ctrl+alt+del. My OS is Windows Vista (yuck!), but does meet the system requirements. I have all the major expansion packs (meaning all except the ones that only give more items and hair-dos, etc), and didn't start experiencing problems until installing Generations. I was able to play it last night after installing, but today, it won't run. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling and restarting my computer. Any ideas?

Was my mom trying to change my mind?

I'm moving in two weeks and today my mom seemed like she was trying to change my mind. She was telling me my roommate might be hard to live with (I've known him since junior high) and I need to make sure I can afford to be on my own. I'm 23 and a college grad. I have thought about this and feel like it's time for me to go.

I'm home alone and I need to know what medicine to take for this sickness?

I have a fever of 102.3 from a cold, my throat and nose are filled with yuck, and I'm cold. What medicine is safe to take for someone over 12 with these symtoms? Thanks. (sniff )

HMV - Borderlands GOTY?

Hi, I'm looking for Borderlands GOTY in HMV but I don't know in which stores they have the game in, is there anyway to check that?

How do you split food costs with a roommate?

So I've had roommates before but I've never had to split costs with them because we lived in a dorm. But now I'm moving into an apartment with a friend and we're working out how to split costs and such. We've got everything figured out except for food. (No offense to anyone or anything) but my friend is a little on the heavier side and she just eats a lot more than me in general, partially because I eat very little compared to most people. She wants to split each grocery bill in half, but I'm kinda weary of doing that because I would only be eating a small portion of that food. We will be sharing dinner each night, but for everything else we could just buy our own things. But that just seems a bit complicated. I was just wondering if anyone out there has a good solution to the roommate sharing food costs problem.

Where can I buy Ed Sheerans albums on CD?

I don't know but I listened to his work the other day and my friend was telling me about him and he is amaze... but i do recall her saying his album is not out yet.. so i guess patience is your answer :)

Would they ever cancel school because of the heat ?

right now , it's 27 degrees - at night :/ tomorrow it's supposed to get to 34 degrees , which is about 92 degrees faranheit. i'm okay with heat , but for the past three days , it's been like living in hell. i can't sleep , and i just woke up , drenched in my own sweat ! yuck ! anyways , would they ever cancel school because of the heat ? yesterday we didn't go outside for recess or have gym outside , so caould they ever cancel school ? please , don't be a jerk about it . :/ :/

Will my hair fade to blue?

I have naturally dark hair and tried to put one blonde streak in it, but it came out yellow-orange (yuck). Eventually I dyed over it with black, but the result was navy blue. I actually really like the blue streak, but when the black dye starts to fade, will it look like a lighter blue? There doesn't seem to be anything greenish about it so hopefully it won't become green.

Skullcandy lowrider headphones broke i dont know what is wrong with them?

i was wearing these on my head and my brother caught the wire on his hand and he pulled the wire on accident and now there is no sound coming through the headphones and i cant even take them back to hmv because the guy didn't give me a receipt and i chucked the packaging in the bin and i also took them to a professional fix electrics shop and they said there is no way they could fix them because every part of the headphones are sealed so they cannot take them apart so can anyone tell me what to do with them or what is wrong with them thanks for your help x

Products to Improve Your Complexion?

I've struggled with acne for a couple years now. I'm on birth control, and that seems to have it mostly under control, though I still get some breakouts. Understandably, my complexion isn't the best. I have uneven skin tone and my pores have gotten larger, not to mention blackheads (yuck!) I was wondering if there are any good products you have tried that improved skin tone overall? Preferably ones that don't contribute to acne/ oily skin? My skin has really taken a hit on my confidence and I want to change that.

I am 5'2, 105 lbs and yesterday was my first time going to a nightclub?

You may not have realized it, but at your height and weight, as well as the fact that you mixed so many different drinks. You were most likely extremely drunk. Drunk people tend not to notice when they are incredibly drunk, you are lucky that you met a guy who tried to help you rather than taking advantage of you as some men at the club would try to do to a drunk woman.

Moving out, how to split final bills w/ roommate?

Amen brother, keep the faith, and let her learn from her mistakes. Quote from Ben Franklin, "A wise man learns from the mistakes of others, a fool from him own." Both of you are in grad school, I hope you are not in medicine, law, or nuclear.

Renting an apartment? ?

I live in Houston TX. I am currently 17 and about to turn 18 on July 26. Can I rent an apartment now or do I have to wait? And I know everyone says you have to have a good credit score, what does that even mean? I mean I have a good job and I'll have a roommate. But how do I get this "credit score"? I don't even own a credit card, is that going to be a problem? Please tell me everything I need to know.

Question about creating my own lease/contract/addendum(?) for a potential roommate?

Long story short, i got screwed over by my last roommate. I am moving into new building and need a new roommate, but i want to legally protect myself with some sort of document. The apartment company itself does credit and background checks, but i'm stuck with everything if he/she bails suddenly. (he/she will be included on the lease, but i'm still responsable for the payments) Also worried about if the roommate refuses to uphold their end, and causes problems. Who could I talk to about this? A lawyer? Or is there someone else i could talk to? Thanks!

Gift on a second date? Too much?

Got second date with a lovely Brazilian girl this weekend. First date found out she likes her music and while very happy here she does sometimes miss home. (she is staying here before you say anything) Wouldn't normally get gift on second date as too soon but was thinking of popping in hmv and getting a compilation cd of brazilian music so she has a little piece of home with her. Thought we could listen to it in the car and se can teach me more about her culture. We are both late 20s. Yes or no, thoughts?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I've just ordered a couple of DVDs from HMV online. Does anyone know how long it takes for them to arrive?

About 8 business days. Make sure you check the format of the DVDs depending on what country you're in. HMV ships from Europe and their DVD standards are different than US standard. I had to get a refund on mine...nothing but black static.

Please help with this?

considering you don't pee out of your vagina, no it wouldn't lower the'd just have more of a mess to clean, sorry to break it to ya

Travelling to Scotland, need advise on best place to buy music / music venues?

I don't live in Edinburgh I live in Glasgow, but I think HMV is your best bet to get good deals and loads of good genre of music, DVD's so on. There also is Virgin Media store's but I am not quite sure where abouts it is in Edinburgh but am sure once you get there and wonder about the town centre you will find places, it is a lovely place also I may recomend going to Glasgow for the day, they have a very good nightlife there and if you like metal there is a place called the Cathouse, they do good deals with drinks but there should be good places in Edinburgh aswell but yeah HMV is probebly the best place to go to. Hope I helped

What does it mean when he says if it works out, it works out if it doe not than it does not?

We have been together for 3 years. I left due to problems that we had in march and went back to my state. He now wants me to move back with him having a female roommate and is scared of the relations. I am also scared that things will go back. He did not bother to call me yesterday after a boat ride because he was tired he used similar excuses during the week end

Where do i buy the iPod touch from?

In the u.s., where ever you buy it from, it comes with a warranty. I think you have tp pay extra for it at the store. That's in the u.s. tho... I don't even think we have ipods with 4g hahah :p

Gt avalanche 2.0 disk or giant vt-three? Last bike was stolen i have option of getting one or the other?

Well my bike was stolen about 2 months ago and i put a lightly used giant vt-three on layaway at my local bike shop. I had a hardtail before, but i had put a lot of money into it. But, i have always wanted a full suspension bike so i thought i would put the giant on layaway instead of the gt. The giant looks basically stock, it comes with the 2005 manitou black suspension fork, manitou swinger ( i think) cool shock on the back, a race face ride xc crankset, avid bb5 mountain mechanical disk brakes, mavic wheelset ( idk the model but i assume most if not all mavic products are nice), and some easton stuff here and there like the bars, etc, etc. The gt is the newest model, it is obviously not as expensive, but it is NEW. I like the components on it except for the fork which is the suntour xcr (yuck!). Keep in mind i am planning on getting my first job this summer and was planning on upgrading components on my new bike regardless of which one i get. Thanks!

What is the name of the stations inside HMV, Game and Gamestation?

You know the station with the console in side and the controllers sticking out of them, which customers can play a game on, what are they called and is it possible to rent/buy one

Possibly pregnant, yuck, help please?

So about 2 months ago I had missed a pill, the next day I took the missed pill and the regular pill and had unprotected sex the same day. He didn't come all the way inside me. About 2 weeks later I had my period but it was lighter and only lasted 5 days. Now (a month later) I'm waiting for my period and it still hasn't come its 3 days late but I've always been irregular and I've been stressed out lately. Could it be that I am pregnant? advice please. thanks :)

Does Game/HMV/Gamestation, any of them do xbox 360 repairs?

Try this guy's guide a href="" rel="nofollow" worked for me :D Good luck

Photography order company?

I use But there are others. Go to the Shutterbug magazine web site or buy the current issue. There are plenty of ads in it. This magazine is aimed at serious photographers.

Is he a player or does he really care for me?

Honestly, im having the exact same problem! Its so similar to whats going on with me and my life. My problem is I actually care about this guy but he is a player but won't admit it. Ive known him for awhile and Im so confused right now because i can never stop thinking about him. But if I went out with him i dont think it would be good for me. I dont think he'll change. Your guy sounds like a player for sure. He needs to grow up. The FB things relates to me too there are always girls on his page. But im only girl who trys to prove him wrong. When he gets to flirty i always tell him off, i want him to respect me. Im pretty sure im the only girl that hasnt given into him.

Download slower than upload via wifi?

you might be having some spyware or virus issue. Try scanning your hard drive for viruses and spyware.

If my roommate doesn't end up living me with, will my school let me know?

I asked this before but I got ridiculous answers so I'm trying again. He deleted me off of facebook, and its too awkward to send him a message and ask. Should I call the school?

When should I start wearing a bra?

I'm not like the others, wanting to wear a bra just because others wear one it's just in every book I read as SOON as they start developing they wear a bra. I have waited and I'm still small but they are starting to show through my shirt and they're big lumps (not boobs but ugly lumps) but what if my boobs stop developing or develop slower because I start wearing a bra. I know a girl who wore a bra as soon as she started developing (NOTE: I started developing around july or august 2010) and her boobs were all triangle-ish. Yuck! When I mean developing in july or august I mean they weren't any shape you could tell they were about to start (I'm not giving details.. most girls know because.. ʞʞɔnʎ ǝןdɹnd uɹnʇ sǝןddıu ǝɥʇ). Anyway I'm turning 12 in 12 days.. when should I start wearing a bra?! I hate bras btw

How can you assure that your roommate will pay for damages to an apartment you share.?

Okay, here's the story. My sister shares an apartment with her (ex)boyfriend. They are both on the lease. Recently he has become physically abusive to her and has punched holes in the walls, doors, cabinets of the apartment. She obviously does not live there anymore and has accepted the fact that she will have to may half rent until the lease is up. But now we are worried that her boyfriend will just leave the apartment in its severely damaged condition and she will get stuck with a huge bill. How can we make him pay for it?

The joy of weight lose someone help?:)?

so last summer i lost 16 pounds... and i was happy. well i couldnt really see a difference but oh well i went back to school and gained it all back.. thankfully i didnt gain more. but now im at the same again. and ive been trying to lose it.. and i just cant. i go on walks about 4 miles a day. i just turned 17 on tuesday. i weigh 174 lbs. and im 5'4. yuck i know... but i want my senior year to be the best. and i want to lose this healthy. what i usually eat durning the day is. cereal, slimfast, bananas, boiled eggs, 60 calorie pudding, apple, advacado, and thats about it. it depends on the day though. but last year i did so much better and i dont understand why :( please help thanks guys!!

I need help with my HMV Points card?

roughly how much are these points worth on my hmv points card because i dont have a clue: - 79483 points, thanks

Information on Birmingham HMV Institute?

you queue at the front of the HMV Institute there are shops/restaurants near by in the Bull Ring or over the road there is a cafe not sure of the opening time

Friend and I are scarily alike, ideas?

Me and my friend Laura are scarily alike. We have the same clothes, the same ideas, the same phone. Like once we were in hmv and then I went to show her a poster and she was like, 'I have that poster!' And we have the same phone, but a different model. So that's what we think, we're the same person, but a different model. I mean, people will probably respond by saying that it's normal to be like the same as your friends, but not THIS similar. I mean, we haven't been friends for that long, so it isn't like the reason that we like the same things because our personality's have rubbed off on each other. Any idea's or solutions?

I'm 18 and I'm moving to Wilmington, NC without my parents support. Will I be okay?

I have 2 reliable roommates. I have a job. I'm taking a semester off then going to a CC . Can I do it? I really want this

Cheapest place to buy an XBOX 360 console 250gb new version in Ireland?

Where abouts is the cheapest place to buy an XBOX 360 console 250gb the slim new version? i dunno where to look hmv or gamestop? not sure

Why on earth do cameras make me look HIDIOUS?

Hahahaha, no sorry I was just laughing at the fact that it's like that for me as well! It's really annoying right? It sometimes puts me down, and I am there thinking 'how ugly am I?', but like you said we don't look bad in person... Oh well :-/

Can windows media player stop by itself for any reason?

I was playing a series of about 50 videos on media player on windows 7 and I left home. I share this apartment with a roommate and she has a history of going through my room and leaving evidence on purppose when I'm gone. So I started locking my room's door a while ago but this happened today. Could it be just the computer or the videos having hiccups or did my roommate pick my lock and broke in?

What is the line between a dog's temperament and a dog that hasn't been trained or should be put down?

yes its rampant that people have a disney-like view of what a dog is and far far too little experence to know that such dogs do not exist.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Are the Monster Beats by Dr. Dre Studio worth �100?

i would do that deal in a heartbeat b/c that cheap and it worth it for such good headphones people would do that in a second if i knew him i would do it


I live in Italy and ten days ago (3/06/2011) I ordered a DVD Box Set. On the same day it was shipped. After ten days, I haven't received it yet. So, yesterday I contacted HMV to tell them I haven't receive any shipping confirmation email yet. They told me I have yo wait 14 days... What to do? I heard that after you receive your package they email you to tell them your opinions. Is it right? So...It means that my package is still on the way to Italy? I don't know -_-

How long do retailers have to give you replacement?

Here's the thing. I bought a pair of Beats by Dr Dre headphones at christmas last year and they've recently become very crackly and the ear tips get stuck in my ear so I wanna take them back to the shop I bought them from (hmv) for a store credit rather than a replacement. Do you think they will give me a store credit? I have all the original packaging and receipt. The argument I would use is that obviously the headphones are faulty and the ear tips have been getting stuck in my ear which could cause serious problems. Thank-you.

Why are they so mean??? please help?

Because people suck. The best thing you can do is find a hobby that will distract you from the suckiness of human nature.

How do I get my roommate to NOT use my bed?

Long story short, I am going away for a few months. I have been looking for a subletter but have not had much success. A few of my roommate's friends have expressed interest, but have been dragging their feet to actually give me a yes or no answer. I have a feeling that he is just going to let them use my room rent free. I don't accept that. How can I rig my room to make it unliveable to make sure that he is not letting out my room? Our rooms don't have locks and my landlord won't let me install one. Thanks!

I get the feeling that everyone hates me?

all the girls are probably jealous because they think your boyfriend is cute. & ask him or his parents if they hate you. just be straight forward.

To ignore or reply? (new baby)?

You seem like a mature, responsible person. So just let it go. If she goes on with the rest of her crappy life thinking that you were jealous of her, who cares? You're having a fun filled, happy life while she lives off the satisfaction of other peoples misfortunes. So just don't even reply, just act like she didn't exist. You don't have to stoop to her level, just forget she ever happened and live your own life.

Does Comcast charge by how much internet you use (such as PG E does with electricity) or do they have...?

do they have a flat monthly rate or do they charge like PG E? because last month my roommates and i payed 40 dollars for it, while it may have been for 2 months this months bill was 15 dollars which is 30 dollars over 2 months. So for the significant reduction (not complaining just curious) it seems rather odd how it all works

Small amount of water coming from crack where wall and floor meet?

i had some toilet problems where the floor ended up totally flooding. It soaked the bathroom floor and my roommates carpet. I got the toilet fixed and everything was fine for a few ays but now i notice water coming out of the wall. I dont think there's any pipes in that part of the wall because my roommates door to the bathroom is a sliding door and the water is coming from the part of the wall that the door actually slides into when he opens it. its a very small amount of water, throughout an entire day i want to say maybe a cup of water comes out but it has gone on for three days now what could it be?

I might have low Iron?

I think i might have low iron. You see i didn't eat much meat for a long time i dont know why and lately i have been feeling weak and tired while urinating every 1-3 hours. I also have a pain in the right side of my belly button. I have constipation sorta. Are these signs of low iron? Even the urinating part. Also i ate some cow liver ( Yuck ) and i felt a bit better so i think i do have low iron.

Is there a safe way to lower my sex drive?

Im 30 yrs old, been married for ten years. Wont leave my wife bc of our children. Shes a good mom, and a decent roommate, just not someone who is close to me. I have always tried to go the extra mile for her in bed, giving her multiple inner orgasms, and always atleast one outer before I take get mine. Yet the feelings have never been mutual. Her being a full time college student only compounds the problem. I have sent her flowers for absolutely no reason, I still treat her as a gentleman should. Now, I am also having problems with both of my knees. Even just fifteen minutes of sex (with me doing everything which is normal) is quite painful. Its just not worth it. A french kiss complete with forplay when the kids are asleep is just "sweet time" to her, not remotely erotic even though I am obviously turned on....I need to turn my sex drive off...HELP....

Is it COOL to be a Pro Abortion Lesbian while Campaigning for the Christian Obama?

I LOVE OBAMA, the problem is...... he is a MAN....yuck. Butt, I will Vote for Barry again, since those Evil Republicans who hang out at that Red Neck Bar in Luchenbach Texas, are secretly planning to overthrow America by nominating Jeb BUSH to push Obama out to the Locked Out NFL Locker Room in Dallas Cowboy Stadium.

Can I sue my roommate for not giving me a 30 day notice even if she's not on the lease?

My roommate moved into my apartment when my ex left about 1 year ago. Recently we had a fight and she is moving out. Rent is due on the 1st and she is leaving on the 30th. The problem is that I live in low income housing. Can I still sue her for damages to the apartment and the rent for next month?

Does my roommate/ex want me to still sleep in his bed?

Ho,, games, games. We the forum speakers, can't help herein...but ask this - are you prepared to do this forever?

Saw a bad video of girl i like, what to do 10pts?

get her drunk enough that she slurs her words a bit then ask talk to her about what really went down

HMV took my money, reading ticket 2011?

i had the page up, buying too, was on the last section of payment and the 5 min timer ran out whilst the page was loading because it was loading so slow as so many people were on the site. I check my bank and ring them and they say �402 has gone, which was the price of the 2 tickets. Im going to ring hmv tomorrow, has this happened to anyone else? could i still get my 2 tickets? will at least get my money back?

I'm gay, and I'm conflicted as to how to handle a new roommate situation in college?

I think you should just keep that part of yourself private and not worry about it. Sometimes, it can be an issue with roommates, but other times, it isn't. If the subject does come up, then you can address it when that time comes. But you're under no obligation to disclose to them who you are and who you're attracted to.

How do I defend myself against a horrible roommate?

There are SO many examples, but recently, she has been leaving our patio door all the way open when the air conditioning is on. I wrote her a note last night saying "when the AC is on, can you please only leave the patio door cracked?" (i have a cat that likes to go outside) She responded,"also, if we do that, pito (my cat) needs to s**t/pee aswell his box is outside. also, pito s**t on the carpet and knocked over your flowers" I don't expect her to clean up my cats poop but she left water all over the floor! why can't she just be like "SURE" or "OKAY, SORRY" ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh should I write back, or be mature and leave it alone, like everything else...

URGENT!! What steps should i take against outrageous claims against my security deposit?

The experts for this are usually at Legal Services or Legal Aid. This is complex so you need to spend some time with a lawyer.

Glee: is anyone else annoyed with the soundtrack?

I've just been looking on the hmv website and on volume 4 Umbrella/singing in the rain isn't on there but on volume 5 that ridiculous afternoon delight song is on there and I think this is silly!!! Who agrees...? It was like this on the season 1 soundtracks too... It's my life/Confessions wasn't on there but the cringeworthy "you're having my baby" was. Can't there just be all of the songs except the stupid ones...?!

Any official safe website to SELL Korean and POP stuffs?

go to chinatown and you might find a store, if you can't order online from yeasia ( they kinda over price thier merch but they are fast and reliable) Kpoptown (cheaper and their albums come with posters but it takes about 1-3 days more than yesasia) Dvdheaven ( never used them but thier stuff is cheaper)

Why do black women go blonde?

It doesnt look good at all but i see alot of them do it anyways. I bearly like white women blond as well but on black, yuck! Looks retarded.

What can i do here to get this babe?

I have a crush on this babe at HMV and she has nice boobs what should i do to pull her to love and like me?

How do you split rent between a married couple and another roommate?

Get the overall price, and divide it by 3. Everyone should be able to use every bit of space they want, or just chuck him out. Why do you live with your friend as well as your spouse anyway? :S

What's wrong with my fish?

I have a Neon Butterfly Molly fish that I recently got at PetCo. She is alone in her 5 gallon tank and 2 days after I got her, she had fry. My question isn't about her having fry, but about this white string she leaves all over the tank. It's not fish poop - I can tell the difference. It's a solid white color and she will go around and try and eat it sometimes too - YUCK! She is also hanging around the bottom of the tank a lot. Is she okay? Any advice?

Should I buy a laptop or build a good computer for college?

I will be heading off to college in one year and I'm planning on majoring in Computer Science/Aviation. Since CS requires a lot of programming, calculating, and number crunching, I was guessing I'd build a nice rig for around $700 (excluding monitor, keyboard, mouse). However, if I have a retarded roommate it could get destroyed, stolen, etc. But it will be very comfortable and FAR more powerful than any laptop I could purchase for the same price (around $1200-$1500). But if I got a laptop I could take it wherever, even when I visit my parents and do my work outside. But I'm a gamer so hardware is something I LOVE and need for my games. Plus, building a computer is fun. So yeah, WHAT SHOULD I DO???

What is the equivalent to a HMV store in New York?

I'm going to New York this summer and am planning on buying some DVDs and CDs but I have no idea where I would buy them from. Does anyone know what the equivalent to a HMV store would be? Thanks.

Are dried beans or peas yummy or yuck?

I am on the WIC program now (if you want to judge or run your mouth please do not answer) and on my checks I am supposed to get 1 16oz package of any brand any type of dried beans or peas. I have NEVER cooked any dried beans or peas. I picked black eyed peas today. What are the best kind to pick and do you have any recipes for them? Thank you so much!!!!!

Remote access programs?

I just downloaded TeamViewer onto two laptops. One is my own, and one me and my roommate share. Basically what I want to do is log into the remote computer, however, it tells someone when i'm on it. I'm not trying to watch what he's doing or anything of that nature. Just pulling a prank. It just wouldn't work so well if he sees me sign in. Is there a way I can hide this or perhaps another program that doesn't notify when I sign in or out.

Which website do you get the best extras with jrock cds?

I'm going to order gimme gimme by sug online. Which websites give the best extras( like posters and stuff) with cds? I know theres HMV, Jishuban Club, Cdjapan, and Japan Discoveries. What kind of extras do they usually give?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Family guy season 10 !?!?!?

how comes family guy season 10 is out on dvd;-1;-1;-1;-1&sku=113749 but on websites such as season 10 hasnt even been created and on tv channels such as bbc three the episodes are for season 9 ? so why is this

Are Americans really this intolerant?

I am American. I was born and raised in Arizona, and I currently live in Ohio. I appreciate people of all colors, and of all cultures. So no, not all of us are that way. I'm only 18, but keep in mind that you're in college. Not everyone is mature by that age.

Team Fortress 2 Servers not showing?

THE SAME happens to me 2 ! ! ! Only diference is that the server list DID work the FIRST time i opened the game and i could browse all servers that i wanted to join.After playing a game i decided to close the program and play later.After i opened it up again,same error as u mentioned up there ! "Retreiving server information" and not a ONE server at the list.There is only ONE actualy in the RECENT server list and thats the one i already played on,but its ping is above 250 so i want to find one with less than 100 but no servers show ! please anyone,help slve this annoying,annoying problem !

What is the best store to find DVDS? Please read, I'm going NUTS here! X(?

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Why doesn't anyone understand me?

My tractor's important to me! I love dora! I gnaw on my computer on a daily basis. I write pokemon fan fiction. I like to trap wasps inside my house. I lick my phone often. I'm in love with my best friends boyfriend! I did my best friends dad! I like poking my pharmacist! I enjoy burning flowers! i hate tv! i like google better than yahoo! I'm confused about my sexuality! I keep stuffed unicorns in my living room! I named my child Shabootiquelicious! I called my mom a hoe bag! I have an irrational fear of slinkys! I have Anatidaephobia! No one loves me! All my roommates leave within a week! GOD WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!!! NO ONE UNDERSTANDS!

How can I save the labels from wine bottles?

My roommate and I started a tradition awhile back to visit a winery on every vacation we went on and to save a bottle of wine from each of the wineries visited (well, that we liked anyway) as a keepsake of our travels. It started out as a great idea but now it just kind of seems tacky to have a bunch of wine bottles around the house (we probably have 12 - 15). I was thinking of keeping a scrapbook of all the wine labels but I'm not sure how we would peel each of them off without ripping them. I'm also open to any other ideas out there so please let me know. I just don't want a whole bunch of wine bottles scattered around my house - especially since we plan on keeping with this tradition!

In Ireland can you call HMV to reserve DVD's (or Blu-Rays etc)?

OK, I'm only 12 years old so sorry if I sound kinda stupid cos I don't know this stuff and I need an answer quick cos Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 came out on DVD (and Blu-Ray)yesterday and I'm going to my local HMV tomorrow and I REALLY want to get it but I'm afraid that it might be sold out so can someone tell me if your actually able to call a DVD (or Blu-Ray) store to reserve it or would it not be very likely for them to be sold out anyway? Please answer quick if you can and again sorry if I sound stupid but I'm just a really dumbass 12-year-old.

Glee: is anyone else annoyed with the soundtrack?

I've just been looking on the hmv website and on volume 4 Umbrella/singing in the rain isn't on there but on volume 5 that ridiculous afternoon delight song is on there and I think this is silly!!! Who agrees...? It was like this on the season 1 soundtracks too... It's my life/Confessions wasn't on there but the cringeworthy "you're having my baby" was. Can't there just be all of the songs except the stupid ones...?!

Where can i get this Cd?

I want the Kasabian Live at Brixton Academy because i literally worship Kasabian. They make things better for me after a hard day at school. I live in the Uk. I've looked in HMV and other music shops and i've looked on Ebay and Amazon and i can't find it. It's only downloadable. But you must be able to buy it? Where can i get it?

Will GAME, hmv or gamestation hire me if i am 15?

i am 15 and want to get a job i game, gamestation or hmv. i will soon be 16 and would like a job but am not sure if i should wait until i am 16 so i can work legally, also i have not worked before so i am not sure if that will affect it. if you can help thanks

If my roommate doesn't end up living me with, will my school let me know?

I asked this before but I got ridiculous answers so I'm trying again. He deleted me off of facebook, and its too awkward to send him a message and ask. Should I call the school?

Would HMV allow 16 year olds to apply?

I really want a job in HMV and was wondering if they would accept a 16 year old to apply? i really, really, really want it. real bad. does any of you know? it would be SO much of a help. Thank you so much!

Guy selling magazines door to door to win a prize? scam or robber?

Your inability to say "No" could have cost yours and your baby's life. You were lucky this time. NEVER NEVER NEVER open the door to a stranger. So what if he knows you are home? You don't owe him anything! Call the Police next time!

Do you like the new e-books or do you prefer a good old fashioned book.?

do you think books will be forgotten like (vhs videos) and there will be no more book shops. because they would sell e-books in hmv or something. i'd hate that to happen. what about you?

What happens to stock in a shop when a customer returns it for "Faulty" reasons?

Goods, whatever they are, have a high profit margin to compensate returned items. These returned items can finish up on market traders stalls at greatly reduced prices.

Why do guys obsess over girls butts?

I've always wondered this. I mean it's not like the butt is part of the vagina. It's just there to provide extra body fat for child birth. Some guys I know seriosly are in love with girls butts. It's kinda weird because I don't do that with guys. (and also, some of them like nasty out of shape and jiggly butts that some girls flaunt like it's a good thing. Yuck. If they are obviously out of shape some of my guy friends find their huge jiggly butts attractive. What is wrong with a small firm butt??)

Yuck has a song called "Get Away" and has a very similar 20 second intro that sounds like another song?

This other song's 20-30 second intro has a harder guitar riff in it and the song itself is a lil slower in pace and harder instrumentally. Definitely a rock song but I can't remember the name of the band or song...anyone???

FOREIGN SONG ON RAdio!!! Help what is it?

Type the lyrics into google. If any lyrics site has that song, it will show up. That will tell you the name and artist =)

Why does my dog eat cat poop?

Ok, I have a little chiweenie puppy around a year and a half. We have had him for around 9/10 months and we try to stop him but he wont stop eating it! We do feed him enough, and get him wormed, but he has been doing it for a while and it is not nice. I have two kittens, and one of them is not litter trained so he goes around the house (Yuck!) He is learning though. So what can I do? and how can I help?

Water-lubricated engine ?

Well probably not water. But we do make synthetic oils. But they are much more expensive than oil from fossil fuels.

Roommate wants a security deposit for sublet, best way to approach this?

I am subletting a room for a month and the guy wants a security deposit that is half the rent of the room. What is the best way to go out this so that I do not lose money. Currently we have nothing except verbal agreement over all of this. Some ideas I have are getting something written but even will that protect me. Serious answers only, thank you.

Is this a good gift for my friend's 16th birthday?

Some friends and I planned a surprise party for a good friend of ours. She turned 16 and she likes music, she's not picky and she's very open-minded. I was going to get her a subscription to a hip hop magazine that she likes but I don't have a credit card. Also, I don't know if she was subscribed to it or not. So instead I got her a gift card to HMV, nail polish (I always see her wearing different colours) and body spray. Like I said she's not picky but she IS turning sixteen. Is this a good gift or do you have any other suggestions? Thank you!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Why wont some cd's work on my pc?

I few months back, i bought some cd's, The Libertines, Frank Turner, MCR, and Linkin Park, all brand new from HMV. Frank Turner's and The Libertines imported to my itunes no problem, the other two didn't. I tried them two last so i thought my drive might have broke. But yesterday i bought 3 more cd's, Nirvana, The Strokes, and Rise Against, they went of fine, no problem. But MCR and Linkin Park still wont load on my PC, they wont show on My Computer, on my iTunes, no autoplay either, theres no scratches on the disk and there perfectly clean, they were brand new. Any ideas?

What food do you hate the most?

I hate tomatoes. But not tomato sauce or ketchup. Its weird. But tomatoes alone just feel........mushy.

Which smell lingers longer in an apartment: Cigarettes or Weed?

My roommate and I were having a discussion on which substance would linger longer in an apartment if smoked.(Cigarettes or weed) If anyone can give an educated decision or an unbiased website that shows the facts (not or something) that would be extremely helpful.

How do I deal with boyfriend/roommate problems?

I would advise you to get out immediately for you own place. You should never have allowed it to get this far. And he should not be defending her or condoning these actions. You will hurt for a while but how will you feel when you catch them in bed, which is where this headed.

Are planeswalkers permanents?

This is kind of a follow up to my query about planeswalkers & colors. My roommates/mtg buddies are operating under the logic that a planeswalker is treated as a player while on the battlefield, and a permanent when in hand, in the library, or in graveyard. So what's the deal? Is or isn't a planeswalker a permanent whilst in play? And can it be targeted/destroyed as such?

Does HMV accept trade-ins?

I have a large collection of CDs and I'm wondering if I can trade them in and get some money off for some new purchases.

What games do you play at a beer olympics party?

Me and my roommates are planning to have a beer olympics house warming party, but we can't think of games to play. We know beer pong is a must but what other games should we play in our Olympics!?

Anyone work in HMV here ?

I got a tee shirt as a present but don't want it. It's sti in original packaging but no receipt. Cxn I change it for a different one?